Pipsqueaks Gym Court Sign Up
Please review the available slots below and click on the button to sign up. Please do not sign-up more than 48 hours in advance to give others an opportunity to play. Thank you!
You must either have a Punch Card or 125live membership. (No staff from REC/125live will be there)
Click Here to Purchase a Punch Card
If your group is the first to play in the morning, OR if there is no group signed up in the time slot prior to your group- you will need a key for entry
The KEY is housed at 125Live
ADDRESS: 125 Elton Hills Dr. NW. PHONE: 287-1404
HOURS: M-F 5:30am-9pm, SAT 6am-6pm, SUN 10am-4pm
Do not enter before 6:30 am. You will set off the alarms
Complete Sign-In form and COVID questionnaire.
Masks must be worn at ALL TIMES (yes, while playing)
If you are in the 7:00 – 9:30 pm group, you must exit by 9:30 pm to avoid setting off the alarm
If your group is the last time slot to play, OR there is not another group there waiting to play when you are finished- YOU are responsible for closing the gym.
Turn off lights (wall on far side of gym, by the double doors that gain entry into the main bldg)
Take a picture of the sign in sheet and email to Info@125LiveMN.org
Lock door
Return key to 125live or coordinate with designated Key Master
If 125Live is closed, bring key to 125live and drop in mailbox slot located at the left of the main entrance.
It is your responsibility to coordinate play with those individuals who have signed up for the same time slot. If you signed up and unexpectedly and need to cancel, inform the group and/or find a replacement.
On weekends, 125live may be closed when you want to play or when you are finished playing. If you have the 125live key or need a key, coordination will be integral. If you are unable to locate a key, please text one of the the following Key Masters- who will assist in locating it’s whereabouts:
Angie T. 507-990-1141
Joanne R. 507-319-7231
Suzanne B. 507-398-3272
Kileen S. 507-261-8875
Marilyn R. 507-273-2316
Bathrooms are available. Bring your own water/beverage